Our Hearts Intertwine.

Our hearts intertwine,

A love so deep and divine,

Soul’s sacred design.

In heart’s gentle glow,

Warmth spreads where seeds of love sow,

Harmony will grow.

Love’s reservoir,

Heartspace overflows with more,

Bonds that forever endure.

Steve Halstead.

Bonds That Forever Endure.

Crowned with gratitude,
A wreath of flowers undying,
Nature’s sweetest gift.

Petals soft and kind,
A crown to remind us of
Hope and thankfulness.

With a crown of blooms,
Grateful, loving memories,
Bonds that forever endure.

Steve Halstead.

Flowers Each Unique.

In search of beauty,
Not just perfection’s bloom, but
Nature’s flaws, too, gleam.

Flowers, each unique,
Their imperfections reveal
Beauty, in contrast.

Imperfect petals,
Nature’s artistry on display,
Inspiring wonder.

Steve Halstead.

Miracles May Bloom.

Crowned with gratitude,
Flowers bloom in humble hearts,
Beauty blossoms bright.

The sweetest tribute,
A crown of thankfulness weaves strong,
Graceful in its hue.

Blessed by gratitude,
The wildflowers of thanks,
Miracles may bloom.

Steve Halstead.