
I listen to great music
Composed with skills I do not possess
I read poetry
And amaze at the beauty of words
The symbolism in simple lines

Who has such talents
The ability to shape sounds and images
To use eight simple notes
And create a symphony of delight and wonder
Words on a page in such fashion
To educate and enlighten

How I wish I had skills such as these
Turning sounds and words to beauty
Sun sea light and air
There to enjoy
Yet so few do

Are the poets and great composers
Chosen of God
Given gifts that mere mortals
Do not and cannot possess
Are they lifted above the ordinary
Do they know how different they are

I think not
Simple beings
Whose thoughts can translate to great things
Perhaps we all have such
But use it not
Either by choice or simple ignorance

So we look and listen
And admire others
Unaware we have such talent
Taken to our graves with us
Never to be discovered.

Norman Turkington